Step 1: Call the manufacturer or online dealer, check the delivery status or send an e-mail: Was the package shipped on time? Or was the shipment delayed?
Step 2: Using the package number, check with your shipping service, such as the post office or private package delivery service, whether the package is still on the way or whether it has already been delivered. If delivery was already due, but failed to occur, you can submit a search request.
Step 3: If the package was delivered, but cannot be found: Ask your neighbors if they took delivery of the package or saw the delivery.
Step 4: If the package was obviously stolen, report this to the police and contact your insurance company. At Zurich, this is possible on 0800 80 80 80 or online at
Contents insurance pays for package theft
Even better cover with "Cyber – Safe Shop & Pay"
Package is damaged – now what?
- Check if only the package or also the contents were damaged.
- You got up to eight days after delivery to report damage to your next post office branch. To do so, you should bring the package with its contents to the branch where the damage will be assessed and a damage report will be drawn up.
- If you have included the "Cyber – Safe Shop & Pay" insurance in your Household Insurance policy, you can report damaged ordered items with this as a loss.