Men from several generations plant a tree together.

Protection for loved ones

People with a family have a special responsibility – including making financial provisions for the event of unexpected death. Risk life insurance protects your family, life partner or business partner against financial shortfalls. Take out your insurance coverage directly online or get individual advice for a tailor-made solution.

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Good reasons for a risk life insurance
Protection for family and business partners
Term life insurance offers flexible protection: Protect your family, life partner or business partner or ensure the payments for your mortgage can be made.

Choose the protection that suits you
An unchanging payout sum in the event of death or decreasing protection over the years for risks such as mortgages.

Attractive terms
Adjust the insurance coverage if your life changes and benefit from a particularly favorable tariff as a non-smoker.

Take out "LifeProtect direct" online – you are protected in just a few minutes

Protected from tomorrow

Your protection begins the very next day.

Provide credit card details

After the automated check, you pay directly each year by credit card.


Select level of protection

You select the appropriate lump-sum death benefit and enter your data.

Information and frequently asked questions about life risk insurance

Protection for family and business partners

  • Risk life insurance gives your family financial security
  • Cohabiting partners: close any insurance gaps as part of pillars 1 and 2
  • Protect business partners and make sure your business can survive
  • Ensure that your mortgage is paid off even after you die

You define the death benefits

  • Term life insurance with continuing benefit payments to meet continuing financial obligations (e.g. paying off a loan)
  • With the "LifeRisk" solution, you also have the option of a decreasing benefit to cover an obligation that is becoming smaller (e.g. the amortization of a mortgage)

Attractive discounts

  • Lower risk life insurance premiums for non-smokers. A person is considered to be a non-smoker if he/she smoked no cigartettes in the previous twelve months and if he/she consumes or uses a maximum of two cigars, pipes or other products containing nicotine per week. E-cigarettes are considered, in the context of these conditions, as are other products containing nicotine.

What is risk life insurance?

If the insured person dies, the beneficiaries of a risk life insurance, or term life insurance, receive a capital benefit. This can be used, for example, to cover life partners, who are less protected by the state than spouses. Families can prevent financial bottlenecks and, for example, ensure that they can stay in their own home, even after a stroke of fate.

Does Zurich offer risk life insurance?

Yes. With Zurich's "LifeRisk" term life insurance, you can freely choose the amount and duration of the risk cover and thus adapt it to your individual needs. In addition, Zurich offers a disability pension. This protects you against the financial consequences of disability and covers you if you are no longer able to work as before after an accident or illness. Our online product "LifeProtect direct" is a pure term life insurance solution that is easy to take out online, and which can be renewed annually.

Who can I name as beneficiary with a risk life insurance policy?

Within the framework of the unrestricted pension plan (pillar 3b), you can name anyone you wish to cover as a beneficiary, regardless of the legal succession. This can even be a life partner. In the case of restricted pension plan (pillar 3a), the beneficiary regulations are largely defined by law.

How can I protect my children with risk life insurance?

With risk life insurance, you can secure a lump-sum death benefit, which will be paid out if anything should happen to you. This way, you can protect your family and your children from the financial consequences of a stroke of fate and ensure, for example, that the family can remain in their accustomed surroundings.

What is disability insurance?

Disability insurance protects you and your family against the risk of loss of earnings if you are no longer able to work at all or only partially after an accident or due to illness. A pension is paid out, as a result of illness and/or accident, after an agreed waiting period.

Disability is deemed to exist if the insured person is temporarily or permanently no longer able to exercise his or her profession or another reasonable activity due to illness, an accident or infirmity. If the insured person becomes incapable of work during the agreed insurance term, the insurance company will pay the agreed disability pension in accordance with the contractual conditions.

How can I cover my spouse with term life insurance?

Whether benefits are paid from the first and/or second pillar after a death depends on various factors. Even if benefits are paid from both pillars, together they are usually noticeably lower than the previous income. With risk life insurance, you can close this gap – so that if the worst comes to the worst, you don't have to worry about money on top of the emotional pain. An individual consultation is worthwhile.

Why should I cover my life partner with a term life insurance?

If something should happen to you, your life partner has no legal claim to a share of your inheritance. Furthermore, he or she will not receive any benefits from the OASI. Even pension funds only pay benefits under certain circumstances. This makes it all the more important to take out private coverage in the form of a risk life insurance. 

How can I protect my home with a term life insurance?

If something should happen to you, your life partner has no legal claim to a share of your inheritance. Furthermore, he or she will not receive any benefits from the OASI. Even pension funds only pay benefits under certain circumstances. This makes it all the more important to take out private coverage in the form of a risk life insurance. 

Further products and services

No short falls given loss of income

Maintain your standard of living even after an illness or accident. Protect your income in the event that you become disabled. Zurich EmploymentRisk is just the right solution for this. 

Man and women

Intelligent Pension Planning

Financial protection for yourself and your family in the event of death or disability.

father and daughter

In­su­ran­ce for chil­dren «Zurich Junior»

For the save future of your child.

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