Fortunately, the Swiss population enjoy above-average health by global standards. We have a high life expectancy and are among the countries with the best standards of living. But you never know what fate has in store for you. An accident or illness can happen to anyone. In Switzerland, there were an additional 16,600 people in 2020, so that by the end of the year a total of 218,000 people were dependent on a pension or disability insurance. For 8 out of 10 people, the cause was an illness, 13% are suffering from a congenital defect and in only 6% of cases was this attributable to an accident. The financial losses can be particularly severe in the case of disability due to illness so that in most cases only 60% of previous income is available. This can quickly make it difficult to cover daily living costs, let alone afford a holiday or a home of one's own. A
disability insurance pension ensures you remain on an even financial keel in this situation.