Theft insurance: What you should know

A break-in at home, theft when you're traveling or stolen data on the Internet – it's upsetting whatever the circumstances. If a theft happens in your own four walls, it is usually included in the ground-up coverage of your household contents insurance. But how can you cover yourself optimally wherever the theft happens?
Apartment with open balcony door

Will insurance cover a claim if the door was unlocked?

If, for instance, the thief enters through an open window or an unlocked door, it is a case of simple theft. Just as in a break-in, in a simple theft the stolen household contents are usually covered by household contents insurance and will be replaced at the new value.

Is the theft of money insured?

In the case of burglary, cash up to a maximum value of CHF 5,000 is insured, unless a higher sum insured was contractually agreed. By contrast, in the event of a simple theft, stolen money is not insured.

What if jewelry is stolen?

Jewelry counts as household contents and is insured. In the event of the theft of jewelry, the financial compensation is limited to 20 % of the sum insured on household goods or to a maximum of CHF 30,000. This limit doesn't apply if you kept your jewelry in a safe weighing more than 100 kilograms or one that is fixed into the wall, or if the items of jewelry were lost due to a robbery.

What is covered in the event of a robbery?

A robbery refers to a situation in which the thief threatens their victim or uses violence to steal their property. Claims that arise as a result of a robbery are also covered by household contents insurance.

Who is liable for the loss of items if they go missing?

If you lose your camera or can no longer find your mobile phone, the claim is not covered by the ground-up coverage of household contents insurance. For such cases, it is worth taking out insurance of valuables or the supplementary insurance "super theft". 

Is it possible to specially insure particularly valuable items?

It is possible to take out more comprehensive cover for valuable items – including against loss. Special favorite items – such as valuable horn-rimmed glasses, a bike, a designer purse or a fine fountain pen – can be protected against loss, damage and destruction at home or outside the home through the insurance of valuables. The cover also includes theft. In this case, the sum insured for household contents can be reduced by the value of these items and so the premium reduced.

What happens if your luggage is stolen while you're traveling?

Lost luggage is every traveler's nightmare: The theft of luggage, as well as luggage arriving late at your holiday destination, can be covered with the supplementary insurance "super theft". With this theft insurance, the sum insured doubles as soon as the insured person is traveling, which means being at least 50 kilometers from home or spending the night away from home. 

Does household contents insurance also cover online theft?

Losses that arise online can be covered with supplementary insurance. For instance, "Cyber – Safe Shop & Pay" offers protection against the risk that a hacker gains online access to an e-banking portal and empties the account. This insurance against fraudulent account access, for example by skimming or phishing, can be concluded with a sum insured of CHF 50,000 at most.

What if your smartphone goes missing?

Your cellphone is automatically insured against theft from your home via your household contents insurance. Select the additional module "simple theft outside of the home" to ensure your cellphone is also insured against pickpockets when you're out and about.  
Good to know: Your cellphone is not, however, insured against damage from being dropped or similar mishaps. The additional module "accidental damage to electrical equipment" or, while traveling, the option "super theft" in your household contents insurance will cover such claims.

In addition to the thefts mentioned, there are additional types of theft that are covered by different insurance:

  • Theft in companies
    The theft of company equipment can be covered via property insurance. This also applies to break-ins. 

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