Which threats am I subjected to as a private individual on the internet?
Private individual as well as companies can fall victim to hacking attacks or viruses if, for example, they click on an attachment in a legitimate looking phishing email or download a game or program from a harmless looking website. Computer viruses can incapacitate your computer, all your files, photos and documents can be lost or the hackers can even gain access to your personal information such as passwords and credit card details.
What protection does Zurich offer me if I have loaded a virus or trojan horse onto my computer?
Should you become a victim of a hacker attack, it is important that an expert removes the damaging software, sets up your programs once again and hopefully restores your data from a backup. Zurich will cover these costs with the new insurance product "Cyber – Safe Surf".
What can happen to me while shopping online?
Unfortunately there are a few things that can go wrong when shopping online – perhaps you want to purchase a new TV on the internet but a microwave arrives at your door instead. Maybe a delivery arrived damaged or nothing was delivered to you at all. Equally unpleasant is when you book your dream villa in the sun online only to find a derelict hut at the edge of the motorway once you arrive at your destination. Even worse is the following scenario: A hacker has gained access to your e-banking access details and emptied your bank account.
How does Zurich protect me against the dangers associated with online shopping or banking?
"Cyber – Shop & Pay" insurance will help you with all eventualities related to online shopping. It will pay if a criminal steals money from your bank account via online banking, if goods ordered online arrive defective or do not arrive at all or if you book holiday accommodation online and are defrauded in the process.
Which devices can be protected with the new cyber insurance products?
The protection covers all devices with which you access the internet – from personal computers, to your laptop, through to your tablet or mobile phone.
We are a family of five – does the contract apply just for me or to all of our family members?
Both cyber insurance products cover everyone in the same household. It does not matter at all if you yourself manage to load the virus via an email, your son manages to download the wrong game while gaming or your daughter clicks on a dubious advertising banner in social media – all persons and all devices in your household are covered. Furthermore, the insurance cover does not just apply for families or couples but also for apartment sharing communities.
What can I do to reduce my hacking risk?
Be vigilant and careful: Do not open any attachments in emails from unknown senders, do not click on dubious banners and be extremely cautious if downloading programs. Think carefully about password security – replace letters with numbers and use special characters: With "2ür1ch!?!" instead of "Zürich123" you will make it considerably more difficult for hackers to succeed. Make regular backups of important data and take the storage medium away from the internet, e.g. use a USB stick or an external hard drive. But regardless of how careful you are: A residual risk can never be entirely eliminated.
However, the new «Cyber – Prevention» module helps you to protect yourself preventively against cyber risks. The Zurich Cyber Security App gives you access to important features such as VPN, Password Manager and Identity Protection that protect you and your personal data from potential cyber threats.
With cyber protection for private customers, you can move securely on the Internet
- "Cyber – Prevention" helps you to prevent and protect yourself from cyber attacks in the best possible way. For CHF 72 per year, the Zurich Cyber Security App provides you with all the relevant protection functions bundled in one app that can be used on up to 10 devices at the same time – including those of friends and family. In addition, you get access to IT and cybersecurity experts – in case of questions and emergencies.
- The insurance "Cyber – Safe Surf" offers you protection from hacking attacks for less than CHF 40 per year. It will pay for the removal of the damaging software, the reconfiguration of your computer and the restoration of your data from a backup. Costs of up to CHF 3,000 will be covered.
- With the insurance "Cyber – Shop & Pay" you can ensure you are covered for online shopping and e-banking. It will be activated in the event of fraud connected with online holiday bookings, if goods ordered online arrive incorrect, damaged or do not arrive at all or if money is stolen from you via your online banking access. You can be flexible when choosing the sum insured – from CHF 10,000 to 50,000.
Prevention and insurance – available individually or in combination.