The landscape of Swiss retirement provisions used to be well-organized: One path straight as an arrow took people from their apprenticeship to retirement. The sky was not the limit, but the direction was clear.
Today, the world has become more complex – you can do far more to control the course of your life and may actually have to find your very own path. At the same time, the three-pillar system of government, occupational and private retirement provisions is increasingly turning into a jungle. We'll accompany you on your journey and bring light into the depths of the jungle.
Together with the old age, surviving dependants' and disability insurance (OASI/IV), governmental retirement provision forms the first pillar in the Swiss retirement provision system. The goal of the first pillar is to protect the existence minimum for pensioners, the disabled and surviving dependants. If the benefits from OASI and IV are insufficient for existential protection, the person involved in addition receives supplementary benefits. The first pillar is financed on a pay-as-you-go basis. This means gainfully employed and employers pay monthly contributions with which current pensions are paid out.
The following are insured:
Together with the first pillar, occupational retirement provision is intended to protect your standard of living in old age, disability or death. Employees and employers contribute to the second pillar, usually in equal shares (so-called equal share financing). By contrast with the first pillar, each insured party saves and earns interest on their own retirement capital – however, 56 percent of the Swiss population is unaware of this. They do not include their pension fund savings in their own assets. Yet for many people, this is the greatest portion of their assets.
All employees with an OASI annual salary of more than CHF 21,510 are subject to mandatory insurance for the risks of disability and death from January 1 after turning 17. Retirement benefits are also insured from January 1 after turning 24. The following can take out voluntary insurance: the self-employed, those with an annual salary under CHF 21,510 and those with several employers.
Occupational retirement provision is the most important retirement provision pillar. But it has for long been faced with major challenges. There are three reasons for this: In the first place, people are becoming much older than in the years when occupational retirement provision was created. Secondly, a low interest rate level has existed for more than ten years, leading to the investment of retirement assets generating much lower returns. Therefore, interest as «third contribution provider» along with employees and employers is no longer fit for purpose. Thirdly, the rigid statutory requirements result in excessive guarantees – in the form of conversion rates that are too high and unrealistic interest rate promises. The consequence: A financing gap for pensions has arisen that is not so easy to close. Retirement provision institutions have to finance these with a considerable portion of the investment returns of the employed and redistribute investment earnings in favor of the retired. Find out how much this redistribution affects you and what can be done to counter it.
Early withdrawal of second pillar retirement capital
Your pension fund assets belong to you, but they can only be withdrawn early, i.e. before retirement, in three special cases: If you want to acquire residential property, become self-employed or leave Switzerland for good.
Purchase potential in the second pillar
Many people have contribution gaps in their retirement provision – because they studied a long time, lived abroad or took a maternity break. Many are not even aware of this. Even a salary increase also has the potential to adjust the insurance benefit to the new salary retrospectively. Those who pay in additional money can compensate for their contribution gaps, improve the retirement benefit and at the same time reduce their tax burden. This is because the purchase sum can be deducted directly from the taxable income in your tax declaration. The current purchasing potential is given in the pension certificate. Since almost all pension funds operate under the so-called defined contribution principle, purchases to increase the future retirement pension have become more important.
Those who rely exclusively on the first and second pillars are threatened by income gaps – not just in retirement, but also in the event of the life risks of disability and death.
Disability: Those with long-term illnesses or even disabled must expect clear losses, depending on the situation. These losses can be covered by personal disability insurance.
Protecting your partner or family in the event of death is also important, e.g. to enable them to continue to live in the customary location. Depending on the situation, benefits from the first and second pillar only flow to a limited extent. Life partner couples are worse off in our retirement provision system. The lump-sum death benefit from risk life insurance can then represent an important safety cushion for surviving dependants.
Our tips: