A couple with a dog in their rented flat

Security deposit insurance

For greater financial leeway: Security deposit insurance guarantees your security deposit. So you don't have to deposit money in a blocked account at a bank.

Take out online Acquire a guarantee in just a few minutes

Good reasons for having security deposit insurance

Three months' rent as a security deposit is a lot of money – especially if the deposit for your previous apartment has not yet been released or if you move regularly. Security deposit insurance serves as a guarantee for your landlord and takes the burden off you as the tenant.

Financial flexibility

Instead of a deposit, you pay only the insurance premium. Zurich guarantees your deposit for the landlord. This leaves you with more money for moving or furnishings.

Can be concluded online

You can take out security deposit insurance from Zurich directly online with just a few clicks – right here on our website and without any waiting period.


Financial flexibility

Thanks to the security deposit guarantee for residential accommodation from Zurich, it is no longer necessary to deposit 3 months' rent. The amount can be used to buy other things.

How does the security deposit insurance work?

1. Taking out insurance
At Zurich, you can take out your security deposit insurance directly online in just a few minutes.

2. Guarantee certificate
Zurich issues a guarantee proving that we cover the security deposit.

3. Compensation in the event of a loss
We pay justified claims from the landlord after legal examination. The tenant must later repay these costs to Zurich.

Information and frequently asked questions about security deposit insurance

Benefits for tenants

  • The money saved by not paying the security deposit is at your free disposal.
  • You have greater financial leeway for the move and for purchasing necessary items.

Benefits for landlords

  • The landlord has less administrative work than in the case of a bank account.
  • No delays in the payment of the security deposit: security for landlords and tenants from day one.
  • Zurich will ensure prompt payment in the case of rent arrears, damage to the rented property and other claims under tenancy law.

What is security deposit insurance?

Security deposit insurance is a guarantee. The insurance company guarantees the deposit agreed in the rental contract with the landlord. This means that the insurance company reimburses justified claims by the landlord, but the tenant must pay these costs back to the insurance company later.

When does security deposit insurance make sense?

If the money for the security deposit cannot be raised. As a rule, three months' rent is required as a deposit. If, for example, the amount from the previous apartment has not yet been released when the deposit for the new apartment is due, then this can be a financial burden. The landlord receives the same level of security with the security deposit insurance as through an actual security deposit.

What does the insurance cover?

In the event of damage and claims arising from the tenancy, the insurance company settles the costs incurred but later claims them back from the insured person. The damage and claims mentioned include unpaid rent and utilities, damage to the apartment, and all other claims under tenancy law.

Further products and services

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Contents insurance gives tenants and owners comprehensive coverage for their worldly possessions.

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Private liability insurance

A claim involving third parties or property can quickly become expensive. Private liability insurance gives you comprehensive, worldwide coverage.

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