This industry includes companies, agencies and offices providing services related to administration, travel, research and law.
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Entrepreneurs have many freedoms - but also bear a great deal of responsibility, not least for their own financial future. At the same time, it is important to protect the company effectively. We advise you comprehensively on all questions relating to insurance and pension provision.
One morning an employee finds the door to the research institute broken open. Burglars stole valuable microscopes and computers overnight. The property insurance covers the costs.
Laptop damage
During the train journey to the legal advice appointment, the lawyer's laptop falls down and the display splits. Zurich gives him the freedom to choose whether he wants to have the display replaced or invest the amount in a new laptop as part of his all-risk coverage in property insurance.
If the customer gets hurt
During a consultation at a travel agency, an older customer slips on a puddle on the floor. He is seriously injured and has to go to hospital for weeks with a fracture of the femoral neck. Zurich's commercial liability insurance covers medical expenses in case of corresponding liability.