Collective insurance for daily sickness benefits

A collective insurance for daily sickness benefits covers the salaries of employees during an extended work absence due to illness or pregnancy.

Coverage for employees and employers

Employers can take out voluntary insurance for daily sickness benefits so their employees receive pay although unable to work. Employees are protected while the employer is relieved of cost.

Occupational health management

We provide you support in the areas of prevention and workplace reintegration.

Financial security, reliable planning

Our insurance benefits ensure that employees unable to work still receive pay.


Free legal advice

Our subsidiary Orion provides telephone advice free of charge on any labor law-related matters of your concern.

What is covered under daily sickness benefit insurance?

Scope of benefits

Employees with an inability to work receive between 80 and 100% of their regular pay, generally up to a maximum of CHF 300’000 per year. The employer decides the coverage percentage for the daily allowance.

Duration of benefits

The waiting period functions like a deductible. Employers can choose the waiting period duration individually, deciding how long they are willing to bear the cost of employee sick pay themselves and the point at which the insurance is to kick in.


Statutory maternity/paternity benefits are regulated under the Swiss Earnings Replacement Regulation (EO). Employers can offer a birth benefit under supplementary insurance to provide employees who are new parents with additional financial support beyond the statutory benefit amount.


Employers may be required by law to continue paying the wages/salary of a deceased employee to the survivors of the deceased for a specific period of time pursuant to Art. 338 para. 2 OR. This financial risk for employers can be covered under an insurance for daily sickness benefits policy.

Do you have questions or would you like some advice?

Why the insurance is worth the cost

Ms. A. has been with the company for four years; her annual salary is CHF 85,000. She is on sick leave, temporarily unable to work. Her employer holds insurance for daily sickness benefits covering 80% of her salary. A waiting period of 14 days applies.
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Less administrative effort

Online claim filing and optional total payroll declaration can help keep your administrative effort to a minimum.

Care Management Services

We provide end-to-end support—from prevention to workplace reintegration.
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