Two men with helmets talking at a construction site.

Insurance for Ma­chin­ery, Elec­tron­ics and Assembly

Comprehensive protection for IT, machinery and assembly work Your IT nerve center suddenly crashes. All your machines are down. Valuable equipment is damaged during assembly. These types of losses not only slow your business down, but can also have serious financial consequences. Zurich Electronics, Machinery and Assembly Insurance offers you security.

More details

Machinery accidental damage and machinery insurance

Indeed, machines are sensitive and expensive, and breakdowns can have an impact on your company’s production targets. Zurich’s machinery insurance bears the financial consequences.

  • Machinery accidental damage insurance covers loss or damage to mobile (drivable and self-driving) machines caused by external factors such as collision, overturning, wind or storm
  • Machinery insurance also covers stationary machines and systems, as well as losses caused by internal factors such as user error, construction defects and short-circuits
  • Additional coverage: loss of income including additional costs, data carriers, tools and molds (for stationary systems), damage caused by fire, natural hazards (disasters) and theft (for mobile machinery)
  • All-in insurance for all of your mechanical equipment (EasyTec) covers losses up to CHF 1m. You can also choose to take out loss of income insurance and protect mobile machinery against damage caused by fire, natural hazards and theft

Insurance for electronic equipment and IT systems (electronics insurance)

No business can run without electronic equipment and IT systems. System damage and loss of data have serious consequences. Zurich Electronics Insurance offers comprehensive protection.

  • When it comes to IT systems, this insurance protects against the financial consequences of loss or damage due to external factors, such as human error, dropping, excess voltage and collision; for electronic devices, it also covers technical damage, e.g. due to construction defects
  • For IT, you can insure individual devices or take out all-in insurance
  • Covers the costs of cleanup work up to 10% of the sum insured
  • Contingency coverage for value increases and new purchases
  • Supplementary insurance modules: internal operating damage to IT systems; insurance at new replacement value for four years; extra expenses insurance to keep IT running after a loss (including after software damage); data carriers

By the way:
Zurich also offers insurance to cover movable items that are used regularly throughout Switzerland, Europe or around the world.

Assembly insurance

Machinery and equipment are subject to certain risks during assembly and startup. Assembly insurance protects you against the financial consequences if these items are damaged or destroyed.

  • Insurance for machinery, production equipment, installations, transport systems or power supply during assembly and startup
  • Basic insurance covers the financial consequences of loss or damage due to external factors (e.g. assembly accidents, natural hazards) and technical, internal factors (e.g. operator or calculation error, overload)
  • Supplementary coverage for your own and third-party assembly equipment such as machinery, tools, scaffolding, huts; for items at risk (existing machinery and equipment) during assembly; risks such as fire, lightning, explosion; transport outside the place of assembly; storage in the place of assembly (preliminary storage)

By the way:
Commercial liability insurance does not provide coverage for objects in assembly. Assembly insurance is a valuable addition. Zurich usually insures the company carrying out the assembly work. You can also insure the client’s own services. Alternatively, the client can take out assembly insurance. This insures the client’s own services as well as services rendered by all contractors involved in the assembly.
Two man having a conversation in a court yard.

Protection against payment defaults

Your customer cannot pay you. Credit insurance protects you against customer defaults.

A yellow warning sign on the floor.

Business risk under control

Products manufactured incorrectly, incorrect machine operation – liability insurance helps you calculate risk.


Cyber Insurance for SME's

2 out of 5 Swiss SMEs have already experienced a cyber attack. Zurich helps you manage the consequences, whether this be a business interruption, loss of data, or claims for damages from customers and partners.