This industry includes companies providing services related to accommodation, restoration and catering.
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Gastronomes and hoteliers know: A fire in the kitchen, water damage in the dining room, a broken showcase or a burglary can lead to temporary closure. They must therefore insure themselves not only against the direct consequential costs of such incidents, but also against financial losses.
A fire in the kitchen of a restaurant destroys goods, equipment and machinery. The owner has to make a new start and procure the entire inventory. Thanks to the property insurance, he also has the financial means to do so.
The head chef of a gourmet restaurant brings home a special holiday souvenir: an infection with dengue fever. Because of the risk of infection, he is banned from working for two weeks. His boss has to find a temporary replacement. The costs are covered by the property insurance.
After a pipe burst, the historic hall of a restaurant is flooded. The valuable parquet swells up and has to be restored. The property insurance covers the expenses.