Notification of Claim

We are also there for you in the event of a loss.

Woman in the kitchen
Notify a claim

Report online in just 5 minutes and track the status at any time. In the event of a breakdown or emergency, please call us.

Report the event of a loss onlineReport a breakdown or emergency
Women in hospital
Accident & illness

Report employee accident or illness online. 

Corporate customersPrivate customers
Man on treadmill

Notify us of incapacity to work, disability or death in connection with individual life insurance or occupational retirement provision. 

Corporate customers (BVG)Private customers

Vehicle damaged?

Bring your car to one of our Help Points and we'll take care of everything for you:

  • Simplified damage report on site
  • Free damage assessment
  • Optional: repair at a Zurich partner with warranty
  • Replacement car, public transport ticket or cab voucher

Frequently asked questions about claims

How does the online notification of claims work?

  • We ask you step by step for the most important information about the event of a loss.
  • Please have your policy number and all relevant documents ready.
  • After the details have been registered, you will receive a summary of your notification of claim.
  • If data or documents relating to the event of a loss are missing, we will contact you immediately.
  • While processing the event of a loss, we will keep you informed about the status.
  • We will check your insurance cover and inform you what compensation you can expect.

Is my event of a loss covered by my policy?

Whether or not an event of a loss is covered depends on your individual policy and the incidence of damage. If in doubt, we advise you to contact us once too often rather than not enough, so that we can check the circumstances and support you if necessary.

How do I modify my claim after after reporting it?

  • If you have received an e-mail from Zurich with an overview of your claims, you can access the status overview at any time via the link there and upload any missing information or documents at a later date.
  • Alternatively, you can also contact us directly on the service number 0800 80 80 80 to make changes to your claim.

What happens at our Help Points?

  • You bring your vehicle to our drive-in and we discuss the next steps together. If necessary, our vehicle expert will inspect the damage with you.
  • We organize the repair of your vehicle at one of our partner garages and provide a lifetime warranty on the repair. 
  • You remain mobile during the repair with a replacement vehicle, public transport ticket or taxi voucher.
  • Discount: If you handle the repair through our Help Point, we will reduce your deductible. Exception: Customers with the product "Help Point Plus" have contractually agreed to go through a Help Point with every event of a loss. You already benefit from a discounted insurance premium. Sustainability: We plant one tree seedling in Borneo for every Help Point appointment booked online.
  • Learn more about our Help Points in this video.

When should I report an inability to work?

In order for us to provide you with the fastest possible support as your insurance company, we kindly ask you to report any accidents or illnesses resulting in an inability to work through your employer. If an illness is likely to last long, please let us know before the agreed waiting period expires.

Do I send medical bills to Zurich or to the health insurance provider?

In the event of an accident, you can send all your medical bills directly to us for review. If you have already paid them, send us a copy with your bank details for a refund. If you become ill, please send your medical bills to your health insurance provider, as Zurich only provides daily allowance benefits to employers in case of illness.

How do I submit documents for my claim?

  • If you have received an email from us with a link to the status overview, the easiest way to upload the documents online is to use this link.
  • You can also send your claim documents by mail. Be sure to indicate the clearly legible damage number on all documents and send it to the following address: Zurich Switzerland, Scanning GIC, 8085 Zurich.

Can I also contact Zurich Switzerland by e-mail?
Please use our online forms. This allows you to submit all your general or specific inquiries (e.g. claims notifications or address changes). The advantage of our contact forms is that your request gets to the right place faster and can therefore be processed more efficiently.

Would you prefer to call us? We are also happy to help you by phone:

Call from Switzerland: 0800 80 80 80

Call from abroad: +41 44 628 98 98