Manuel Akanji

Our best tax saving tips

Do you like paying tax? Probably not. That is why we have put together some valuable tax-saving tips for you and explain how you can make provisions for old age and save money at the same time.

Arrange a consultation We tell you how to optimize your retirement provision and save on tax

Tax-optimized retirement provision

By buying into the 2nd pillar or paying into the 3rd pillar, you can close potential income gaps after retirement, improve your pension and reduce your tax burden.

Retirement provision and tax savings

Your payments into pillar 3a are tax deductible: Up to 7,258 francs if you are employed, or up to 20 percent of your income, but not more than 36,288 francs if, for example, you are self-employed and have no pension fund. For every 1,000 francs paid in, you can save between 150 and 400 francs each year, depending on your income and place of residence.

Make retirement provision and realize some dreams

With life insurance 3b, you are more flexible and can save for big dreams such as a house. You are allowed to pay in as much as you want, but in many cantons you are not allowed to deduct anything from your taxable income. On the other hand, however, the payout is usually tax-free if you have saved for at least five years or ten years with a fund solution.

Which provision is suitable for you?

Pillar 3a

With a restricted pension plan you save for old age. You should pay each year into your pillar 3a solution up to the maximum amount, from the age of 18 to 65. In this way you can make provisions for old age, close possible income shortfalls after retirement, and save on tax at the same time.

Pillar 3b

With an unrestricted pension plan, you can save for your big wishes. Pillar 3b with life insurance is suitable for everyone from the age of 18 to 66 who can and wants to save more than is possible in pillar 3a. On the other hand, however, the deductibility of payments is limited. 

Single premium in pillar 3b

Income from assets is taxed as income. You can reduce your tax burden with a single premium contribution. This makes sense for everyone up to the age of 66 who wants to invest capital for ten years or longer and does not want to withdraw anything before they reach the age of 60.

Pension fund

Buying into the pension fund is recommended for anyone who can afford to make a purchase. It makes sense to spread the payments over several years, as this allows you to stop tax progression and save more tax than with a single premium purchase.

Save taxes in Switzerland: Our best tips

Do you know all the tax deduction options in your canton of residence? Save taxes with our tips. Detailed information can be found in the cantonal tax return guidelines. For complex cases and difficult questions, you should talk to the tax office or a tax consultant.

Can I deduct contributions for retirement provision on my tax return?

You can deduct payments made into a restricted pension plan (pillar 3a) from your taxable income. And this is regardless of whether it is a 3a policy with an insurance company or a 3a savings account with a bank. The maximum deposits are however limited. You can close any shortfalls in your pension fund (2nd pillar) with purchases that are generally tax-deductible. However, you should not only consider purchases into your pension fund from a tax perspective, as it is also important to plan well.

Can I deduct medical and accident costs on my tax return?

You can claim any medical or accident costs that you have paid yourself and that are not covered by any insurance. Medical costs include, in particular, doctor's, dentist's, hospital and spa costs, which you have paid yourself, after deducting all benefits from public, professional or private insurance companies and institutions. In most cantons, and also at the Confederation level, self-paid costs must amount to at least five percent of net income in order to be deductible.

Can I deduct health insurance and other insurance premiums on my tax return?

You may deduct a lump sum amount for insurance and health insurance premiums, which varies from canton to canton. Furthermore, you are also allowed to deduct life insurance premiums. Because the lump sum amount is lower than the health insurance premium alone in many cantons, you can no longer deduct anything else for other insurances. However, there are also some generous cantons that allow a lump sum deduction of up to CHF 10,500 for married couples.

Can I deduct my professional expenses on my tax return?

You are allowed to deduct the travel costs for your way to and from work. For example, the costs of the Swiss public transport pass and a flat rate amount for the bicycle. Under certain circumstances, you may even deduct the costs of the Swiss public transport pass and a car if, for example, you can only reach the station by car. The Confederation and the cantons allow different deductions depending on the means of transport. Other professional expenses that you may deduct as a lump sum or with proof include professional clothing, computers, specialist books and meals away from home.

How can homeowners save taxes?

They are allowed to deduct value-preserving investments and energy renovations that save energy and protect the environment. For example, sanitary, plumbing, painting or carpentry work, heating maintenance, oil tank cleaning or washing machine repairs and gardening work, such as the replacement of perennial plants, are considered value-preserving. Energy-saving measures include new windows and doors, façade insulation and heat pumps. You can deduct the costs as a lump sum or the actual costs (with proof). The Confederation and most cantons allow a flat rate of 10 percent of the imputed rental value for newer properties and 20 percent for older properties. In addition to this, homeowners may deduct the premiums for building and building liability insurance and supplementary insurance. Condominium owners can deduct their contributions to the renewal and management fund of the owners association, provided they are used for value-preserving measures.

How can people approaching retirement save on taxes?

Depending on the pension fund regulations, you can draw your pension fund balance as a monthly pension, as a lump sum or as a mixture of both. You have to pay tax on the pension as income; the lump sum withdrawal is taxed once and separately from other income at a reduced tax rate. That is why you pay less tax at the end of the day if you withdraw all or part of your assets as a lump sum.

How can married couples save on tax?

With regard to direct federal tax, married couples can deduct a flat rate of CHF 2,600. The cantonal flat rate varies from canton to canton. In addition to this, spouses that are jointly taxed may deduct half of the lower salary for federal tax purposes. The cantonal regulations vary here, as well. If both spouses are gainfully employed, each should pay the maximum amount into a separate pillar 3a solution.

How can I save taxes with pillar 3a?

You are allowed to deduct the payments into pillar 3a from your taxable income and therefore reduce your tax burden. Employees and self-employed persons who are affiliated to a pension fund may pay in and deduct up to CHF 7,056 (2023). Self-employed persons who are not affiliated to a pension fund can pay in and deduct up to 20 percent of their net income subject to AHV / OASI contributions, up to a maximum of CHF 35,280 (2023). For every 1,000 francs paid in, you can save between 150 and 400 francs of tax, depending on your income and place of residence.

 The credit balance (assets) and any interest income are not taxed until they are paid out. However, the credit balance is then taxed separately from income when it is paid out. This capital benefit tax is progressive. That is why you should have several 3a solutions and liquidate them in different years in order to optimize your tax burden. A capital withdrawal is possible five years before reaching the AHV / OASI retirement age. Each 3a solution must be liquidated completely.

How can I save on tax with the pension fund?

As long as your retirement assets have not reached the maximum permitted amount as shown on the pension fund statement, you can close pension gaps with purchases. Such shortfalls occur if your employment is interrupted, for example for pregnancy or studies, or you change jobs and are entitled to higher benefits from the pension fund of the new employer. You may deduct purchases into the pension fund from your taxable income. Before you pay in any amount, you should talk to a pension specialist and check whether the purchase makes sense - and also clarify how well the pension fund is financed.

Is it worth paying the tax bill earlier than required?

In many cantons, interest is paid on the money if you pay your tax bill early - and usually at a higher interest rate than on a savings account. On the other hand, you will have to pay hefty interest on late payments if you pay your tax bill too late.

Further products and services

Woman and man with dog in pension consultation

Free pension advice

Get to know your personal retirement provision situation. Close possible gaps so you can look to the future in a relaxed manner. Get some pension advice now.

Man and woman in the greenhouse

Save with insurance coverage

Premium Life: save, make retirement provisions and protect your family.

Unit-linked life insurance

With Zurich's CapitalFund unit-linked life insurance, you can build up assets for retirement. What's more, you can also insure yourself against the risks of disability or death.

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Invest like a professional

A trip around the world, a holiday home in the mountains or more money for retirement? There are so many reasons why you should choose to save money. The Zurich Invest fund account lets you choose between a range of investment funds to accumulate wealth in a structured yet flexible way.

Retirement savings account 3a

Zurich Retirement Savings Account 3a: accumulate wealth and save taxes.

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Children′s insurance

With Zurich Junior, you protect your child from the financial consequences of disability – and build up savings to ensure a successful start in adult life.

Guide to saving taxes and pensions

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Pillar 3a: Save taxes on withdrawals

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