
Van insurance

Stay on the road with Zurich: In addition to mandatory liability insurance, we also offer a range of options to protect you against costly surprises.

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Good reasons for van insurance

Financial Results Euro Digital

Premium protection

Unchanged premium after a claim

Back on the road in no time

28 Help Points and numerous repair partners – quick, convenient and always nearby. With a lifetime guarantee on repairs.


Sustainable mobility

Driving an environmentally friendly electric, hybrid or hydrogen vehicle is especially affordable with us.

Insurance benefits

With us, you can put together your van insurance to suit your individual needs.
Insurance benefits
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Third party liability insurance (mandatory)

  • Third party liability insu­rance is required by law
  • Insurance covers property damage and bodily injury that you cause to third parties with your van
  • We defend you against un­jus­ti­fied claims by third parties
  • Sum insured up to CHF 100 million per event

You must have third party lia­bility insu­rance to obtain the official regis­tration docu­ments for your van from road traffic authorities.

Collision accidental damage

  • Collision accidental damage insurance covers damage to your own van caused by a collision, falling or sinking
  • Zurich also provides benefits in the event of an accident for which you are at fault
  • Collision accidental damage and partial casco insurance combined give you comprehensive insurance
  • In the event of a total loss, you will receive full replacement cost coverage during the first year of operation of your van

Partial casco

  • With partial casco insurance, your own van is insured against theft, fire and damage caused by natural hazards (e.g. floods, hail, landslides, falling ice)
  • Coverage also includes damage due to collisions with animals and vandalism (e.g. slashed tires, painting or spraying of paintwork) as well as glass breakage
  • Coverage includes damage caused by the gnawing of martens or other rodents (including consequential damage)

Coverage for gross negligence

Zurich will not ask you to pay back the costs of a loss caused through gross negligence (exceptions: alcohol, driving while impaired, speeding, hazar­dous over­taking, partici­pation in un­autho­rized races with motor vehicles).

Glass PLUS

Coverage includes all loss or damage due to breakage to vehicle parts made of glass or materials used as a substitute for glass (e.g. plexiglas). Coverage also includes headlights (e.g. LED or xenon) that are destroyed due to glass breakage.

Parking damage or Parking damage PLUS

Coverage includes damage caused to your parked van by unknown vehicles or persons. The Parking damage option covers up to CHF 1,000 per event. The Parking damage PLUS option has no limit on the amount. In both cases, Zurich will pay for up to two losses per calendar year.

Items transported

If any items are damaged that are transported in your van by yourself or your passengers, or if said items are stolen from a locked van, these are covered up to the agreed sum insured. Items transported include, for example, electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets and GPS equipment, as well as merchandise and items used to carry out a trade or profession.

Purchase price protection

In case of total loss, Zurich shall provide compensation to a maximum of the purchase price paid for five years from the purchase date.


  • Zurich Accident Insurance protects you and any passengers in your vehicle against the potential financial consequences of accidents
  • The insurance provides benefits in the event of death, disability or temporary inability to work, and pays a daily hospital benefit during your hospital stay 
  • The insurance also covers medical expenses within the five years following the day of the accident. If you require an inpatient hospital stay, the coverage also includes a private ward
  • Benefits are paid immediately following an accident, even if fault has yet to be determined
  • Accident insurance coverage is also valid in other people’s vehicles for you and your family
  • It also covers medical expenses up to CHF 5,000 for pets traveling in the vehicle

Roadside assistance

Available option: Roadside assistance Switzerland/FL
  • Valid in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechten­stein
  • Zurich organizes and pays the costs of local roadside assistance including the repla­cement of small parts
  • We pay the costs of towing and recove­ring the vehicle
  • Additional costs of any accommo­dation required, onward travel with public transpor­tation and vehicle transfers in Switzer­land are covered
  • Zurich pays up to CHF 1,000 per event for all benefits combined

Available option: Roadside assistance in Europe

  • Valid in Europe as per the description in the General Conditions of Insurance (GCI)
  • Zurich organizes and pays the costs of local roadside assistance including the repla­cement of small parts
  • We pay towing costs
  • Recovery costs for the vehicle up to CHF 2,000 are covered
  • Additional costs of a replacement vehicle while repairs are being carried out, any accommo­dation required, onward travel with public transpor­tation and vehicle transfers in Switzerland are covered up to CHF 5,000
  • Zurich organizes the return transport of the vehicle from abroad

Included: Help Point services

  • Professional and straight­forward support in the event of a loss
  • Report claims anytime, free of charge via the 24-hour toll-free hotline 0800 80 80 80 or online
  • Lifetime guarantee as per the guarantee certifi­cate plus ensured mobility (i.e. public transpor­tation ticket or replace­ment van while repairs are being carried out)
  • We organize the necessary experts and repairs, complete any paper­work that is required and support you on all insurance matters

Help Point PLUS

  • In addition to the above Help Point services, you also benefit from discount on your vehicle damage premium
  • You agree to have all repairs carried out in a Zurich partner garage

Exclusively from your insurance advisor

  • Europe-wide motorist’s legal protection insurance: Supports you in legal proceedings as the owner, holder, driver or passenger of a van as well as in disputes relating to patients’ rights and vehicle contract law, for example
  • We offer attractive insurance solutions for collector's and antique vehicles

Additional Services

  • 100% new-value compen­sation during the first year of operation
  • Cheaper vehicle damage premium with Help Point PLUS
  • With a no-claims bonus, you benefit from a 10% premium reim­bursement after three claim-free years
  • Accident insurance for you and your family also extends to riding in someone else's van
  • Special tariff for eco-friendly vans

Request insurance certificate

Would you like to retrieve your license plates you have deposited? Order the insurance certificate here.

For all other reasons, e.g. change of vehicle please contact your local agency or call us to request an insurance certificate.

Further products and services

Relax Assistance

Travel Insurance

Whatever happens before and during your trip or when you’re home again, keep safe with Relax Assistance Travel Insurance.

A hazard warning triangle on the street.

24/7 Roadside assistance

Keep rolling with your car, motorbike or moped at home and abroad. Roadside insurance with recovery service.

A girl painting the window.

Personal liability

A claim involving third parties or property can quickly become expensive. Private liability insurance gives you comprehensive, worldwide coverage.

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