Couple in car

Car insurance for every need – complete with the best service

Regardless of whether you have a family, drive an electric car or only need your vehicle on weekends, Zurich has the right solution for you. With 28 Zurich Help Points and 250 repair partners, we are always close by to help you in the event of a loss. 

Calculate your premium now Quick and easy – just a few minutes to the premium

Everything you need

Personal & close

Our 28 Help Points and 300 partner garages offer you excellent and sustainable service with a lifetime guarantee to keep you mobile!

Zurich Advantages

We offer benefits such as unchanged premium after claim, 1 year free traffic legal protection, combined discount with life insurance, and bonuses for young driver under 25.


Bonus for electric cars

Environmentally friendly electric and hybrid cars drive at particularly low rates with us. Discover the optimum protection for your electric car!

Insurance benefits

When choosing car insurance, it is important to consider your individual safety needs and the vehicle. In addition to the legally required third-party liability insurance, it is also advisable to take out partially or fully comprehensive insurance. Extend your protection with additional cover options.
Main Coverages Additional covers

Please refer to our factsheet, AVBs or your personal policy for the exact sums insured and further details.

Do you have any questions about car insurance?

What is gross negligence coverage?

The insurance can have recourse against whoever causes damage through gross negligence after a claim has been paid or can reduce the indemnity payment. Example: You run a red light out of carelessness, causing an accident. With the supplementary agreement on gross negligence coverage, Zurich waives its right of recourse or reduction (exception: alcohol, driving incapacity, speeding offense, risky overtaking, participation in unauthorized races with motor vehicles).

Am I also insured if someone else drives my car?

As the policyholder, owner and/or keeper of the insured vehicle, I am also insured if it is driven by another person. However, the applicable regulations and exclusions from the insurance cover must be observed in detail. Find out in our article how third-party drivers can protect themselves against damage.

What does breakdown assistance cover?

The breakdown assistance applies to the vehicle insured in the policy and the trailer towed by it. The insurance coverage applies to all occupants, including the driver. You can choose between three coverage options:

  • Breakdown assistance CH/FL,
  • Breakdown assistance CH/FL incl. replacement vehicle
  • Breakdown service Europe incl. replacement vehicle

Your free 24-hour service line in the event of a loss in Switzerland is 0800 80 80 80; dial +41 44 628 98 98 from anywhere else in the world

Am I also covered abroad?

The car insurance applies in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, European countries as well as the countries bordering the Mediterranean and the island states of the Mediterranean. However, the insurance does not apply in the following countries: Belarus, Moldavia, Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Algeria, Lebanon, Libya and Syria. Breakdown assistance CH/FL is only valid for claims occurring in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Are you planning to go abroad in your car? Then don't forget to take the International Motor Insurance Card with you.

Do I need partial casco – and what is it anyway?

Single vehicle partial casco insurance comes into play for unexpected damage. The following risks are insured: theft, fire and damage caused by natural hazards, hail damage and glass breakage, vandalism, collision with animals and damage by martens or rodents. Collision damage is not included in the partial casco cover, it is covered by comprehensive cover A classic example of a partial casco claim is a stone chip in the windshield.

What is comprehensive cover?

Comprehensive cover is comprised of partial casco and collision cover. Collision includes accidental damage to your own vehicle. A typical comprehensive cover claim is a collision with a post or other vehicle, which you caused yourself. It doesn't matter whether the collision is with an object, such as a tree or a wall or another vehicle, and the damage was caused by you. Damage caused by willful acts of third parties is likewise covered. Damage caused by the motor vehicle to other persons, property or animals is insured under the mandatory motor vehicle third party liability insurance.

When will I receive my policy documents?

The insurance takes effect as soon as your car has been registered at the Road Traffic Office and you have the new vehicle registration document and license plates. We will send you your insurance policy and your premium invoice by post a few days later. You can find the precise insurance cover in your insurance contract.

Can my premium be adjusted?

  • Modification of your data: The premium is based on the chosen scope of insurance and the facts (material facts) given by the policyholder with regard to the insured persons and the vehicle. If one of these material facts should change, Zurich must be notified immediately in writing or in another form that makes it possible to provide proof in text form (e.g., by sending an email). In the event of a change in risk, Zurich shall consider adjusting the contract to the changed circumstances.
  • Sanitation: Premiums will not be adjusted following a loss event (premium protection and bonus protection). Reorganizations in individual cases form an exception. 
  • Premium reduction for drivers up to 25 years of age: With declared young drivers, the premium is progressively reduced on every premium due date until reaching age 25.
  • Selective tariff adjustment: Zurich is entitled to increase the premium with effect from the following insurance year. This will be announced no later than 25 days before the end of the insurance year. Under certain conditions, such an adjustment entitles you to cancel the policy.

If your premium is too high, please get in touch with us so that we can find a solution together, for example by adjusting your contract (call 0800 80 80 80 or use the contact form).

Where can I report my new address?

You can notify us of your new address online. Remember to inform public authorities and companies about your change of address in advance. This way you avoid unnecessary delays and costs, and you are well connected in your new home from day 1. With our checklist, nothing and no one is forgotten.

How do I proceed if I want to change my car or my insurance?

First check whether you can change your car insurance. A change is possible in the following cases:

  • Your current contract expires
  • In the event of a loss
  • The insurance premium increases
  • You change vehicle

Collect different offers for a new car insurance policy and compare them. Tip: Use our free insurance comparison service. With just three details, we show you how much you will pay for your car insurance with Zurich. As soon as you have chosen a car insurance offer, you should cancel the current insurance in good time and take out the new one. 

Report the change of insurance to the Road Traffic Office. To do this, you need the insurance certificate and your vehicle registration document. You can also send the documents via mail to the relevant Road Traffic Office in many cantons. You can find more information in our knowledge article.

Are there discounts or benefits?

  • If you already have life insurance with Zurich, you can save on car insurance.
  • Environmentally friendly electric and hybrid cars drive at particularly low rates with us.
  • Additionally, thanks to our extensive network of partners, we can offer our customers a wide range of attractive special conditions.

Are there discounts or benefits for young drivers?

Zurich offers many benefits especially for young people up to the age of 25:

  • No claims bonus: After three years with no claims, you will receive 10% of your premium back
  • Your premium will be reduced each year up to your 25th birthday
  • Family bonus: If your parents already have two contracts with Zurich, you get a 15% discount

More products & services

Man with mobile


Insurance by the kilometer. The low-cost alternative to classic car insurance offers round-the-clock protection at a lower price.

 Electric car battery charging Zurich E-Mobility Protect

All-round protection for your electric car

The insurance for your electric car or plug-in hybrid car: With eco-bonus, all-round protection and many other services.

ZVolt Card

Z Volt - charging at a standard price

With the Z Volt app, it's especially easy to find the nearest charging station and charge throughout Switzerland at a standard price.

Man cleans classic car

Insurance for Classic Cars & Youngtimers

Protect your classic car or youngtimer with insurance that is tailored to your needs.

A motorcycle in the landscape.

Be an easy rider

Third-party liability, collision or partial collision damage: Zurich delivers the optimum choice in coverage for your individual motorcycle insurance.

Handover of keys for rental car or carsharing

Insurance for rental cars and carsharing

Avec les véhicules de location ou de car sharing, les accidents peuvent vite devenir coûteux, notamment en raison de la franchise élevée. L’assurance «Véhicules de location et de car sharing» vous permet de rouler l’esprit tranquille.


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