A woman is cleaning a window

Accident Insurance for Domestic Workers

Ample insurance for housekeepers and domestic workers: Domestic workers such as housekeepers or babysitters that you have hired are legally considered employees. According to the Swiss Federal Law on Accident Insurance (LAI), you must insure these employees. You can satisfy this statutory requirement by taking out LAI-compliant accident insurance with Zurich.

Benefits at a glance

  • For an annual premium starting at CHF 100, you can fulfill your legal obligations concerning accident insurance for housekeepers or domestic workers
  • Taking out your policy is simple because it does not require any information about the insured person
  • The policy covers not only accidents that occur at work, but also any accidents that happen on the way to work
  • Zurich supports the insured person in case of lost wages, medical expenses and disability, and pays a pension to dependents in the event of death

More details

The Swiss Federal Law on Accident Insurance (LAI) stipulates that all domestic workers must be insured. Zurich’s insurance for housekeepers and other domestic workers covers accidents that occur at work and directly on the way to work.

Good to know

  • For domestic workers who work fewer than eight hours a week, the law states that it is sufficient to take out occupational accident insurance (at work, directly on the way to work). Employees who work eight hours or more per week in your household also have to be insured against non-occupational accidents (e.g. ski accidents)
  • Some cantons require employers to take out health insurance for employees who work in private households, as part of standard employment contracts
  • Contact the compensation office for information about reporting obligations and contribution liabilities in relation to other social insurance, e.g. AHV, IV and ALV. For more information visit the Swiss Confederation website www.keine-schwarzarbeit.ch
  • This insurance also includes the following benefits: Medi Point (physician/hospital network) and Case Management  

Basic coverage of Zurich Accident Insurance

  • Occupational accidents: accidents at work and directly on the way to work
  • Medical expenses and reimbursement of costs: rescue transport, outpatient treatment, hospital treatment (general ward), treatment at a health resort
  • Compensation when unable to work: Zurich pays from the third day following the accident, at 80% of the insured salary when completely unable to work and correspondingly less for partial inability to work
  • Disability support: Zurich pays a disability pension of 80% of the insured salary for full disability, up to a maximum of 90% in combination with the IV or AHV pension
  • Survivors’ pension in the event of death: Zurich pays a maximum of 70% of the insured salary, up to a maximum of 90% in combination with the AHV or IV pension
A  stethoscope on a table.

Get back to work, fast

An employee has had an accident. Zurich supports their reintegration with a network of specialists and case management.

Cyclist with helmet

Occupational health management

Healthy companies are more competitive. Zurich helps you to ensure that your employees remain healthy and recover as quickly as possible after an illness or accident.

Contact us

The law classifies housekeepers and other domestic workers as employees, who must be insured against accidents. We would be glad to advise you.