Vita Joint Foundation: Annual Report 2014 now available

Vita Joint Foundation: Annual Report 2014 now available

The Vita Joint Foundation continued to grow last year. The foundation manages over CHF 10bn and boasts around 19,000 affiliated employers. All facts and figures now available in the new Annual Report 2014.
The Vita Joint Foundation achieved important milestones in the past financial year too. The assets under management increased from CHF 9.4bn to in excess of CHF 10.2bn. With its investment strategy geared to long-term security, the foundation generated a return of 8.18 percent. All facts and figures can be found in the Annual Report 2014, which is now available online:
Annual Report
Summary report

Key figures for 2014  
Affiliated employers   18,950
Active members   115,338
Assets in CHF million   10,281
Return on investments   8.18%
Coverage ratio
- according to the new pension planning model 106.6%
- compared to competitors 111.2% 
Interest earned on retirement assets 2015    
Mandatory   2.65%
Super-mandatory   3.4%
For further information:
Vita Joint Foundation
Media Relations Tel. 044 628 75 75

This press release is available online at
The Vita Joint Foundation was established in 2004 by Zurich as a partially autonomous joint foundation. It offers all companies a simple, secure and clear occupational retirement provision on attractive terms. Partially autonomous means that the investment and insurance sectors are kept strictly separate at the Vita Joint Foundation. The risks of old age, death and disability are insured at Zurich Life Insurance Company Ltd. This separation only has advantages for customers – transparency, interest earned in line with the market and full participation in investment performance, security and flexibility. Thanks to its innovative model, the Vita Joint Foundation has developed into the market leader among partially autonomous joint foundations. The Vita Joint Foundation is the largest partially autonomous joint foundation in Switzerland. More than 18,000 affiliated companies with about 115,000 insured have entrusted their occupational retirement provision to the Vita Joint Foundation.