Good reasons for having the Premium Life savings insurance


Security, sustainability and returns

With the Premium Life life insurance, 95% of your savings premiums are invested in the guaranteed assets. At the same time, you have attractive potential returns - thanks to the climate-neutral Zurich Carbon Neutral World Equity Fund.

Protect your loved ones

No one is immune to strokes of fate. Protect yourself from the financial consequences and safeguard your family while doing so.

Stay flexible

Do you already have some firm plans for the future - or do you like to stay spontaneous? Either way: Premium Life savings insurance can be adapted flexibly to suit your life.

The Premium Life savings insurance is suitable for you if...

You have big plans, for example, to buy your own home or retire early.

You want to invest your money safely, with a "sustainable" share, and with a focus on returns

You wish to protect your loved ones and yourself financially, for example, in the event of death.

Your insurance should be flexible to allow you to adapt it if your circumstances change

You want your money to be invested by professionals

You want to save on taxes within the framework of pillar 3a

Zurich has the ideal solution

Once you have made the decision to purchase Premium Life, you can just sit back and relax without any worries. The product gives you flexibility at all times: if your circumstances change, you can easily adjust the insurance policy as needed.

*Free maturity management: In the final phase of your contract your fund assets are automatically reallocated to funds with a lower asset allocation in equities to shield against price fluctuations.

**The death benefit gives your surviving dependants financial security in the event of your death. You choose the amount that's right for your needs. The chart shows an assumed death benefit of CHF 60,000. You may also choose a premium waiver in the event of disability or, alternatively, a disability pension.

Information and frequently asked questions about Premium Life savings insurance

Invest cleverly

Five per cent of your savings premiums and the surpluses from your insurance policy are invested in the Zurich Carbon Neutral World Equity Fund, a climate-neutral investment option.

Benefit from free maturity management

If you wish, towards the end of the term of your life insurance, Zurich will continually shift your assets in the Zurich Carbon Neutral World Equity Fund to funds with lower equity ratio and thus a lower risk – all free of charge.

Remain flexible at all times

Round the world trip? Having a baby? Buying a home? Regardless of the direction your life takes, Premium Life insurance can adapt flexibly to you, for example, with a break from paying premiums or increased benefits.

Gain considerable tax benefits

As part of the restricted pension plan known as pillar 3a, you can offset the premiums from your life insurance against your income in your tax return and thus make considerable savings on tax year after year.

Sleep soundly thanks to secure investments

We invest your money securely: 95 percent of the savings premiums in your life insurance are invested in the guaranteed assets. The savings premium is the part of the total premium after deduction of costs and the risk premium. Your entire savings assets are secured via the tied assets of Zurich.

Combine security and potential for returns

With regular payments, you can build up your savings capital. A guaranteed benefit gives you the necessary security, while a shrewd investment concept offers you additional potential for returns.

Why choose Premium Life?

Premium Life is interesting for you if you:

  • want to save towards a specific goal with regular payments,
  • want to benefit from a guaranteed minimum benefit and interesting potential returns,
  • want a standardized, clever investment mechanism,
  • want to save sustainably with shares, and at the same time protect your loved ones.

How can Premium Life be used?

  • With Premium life, you can achieve specific goals thanks to regular payments, for example, for home ownership or travel. If you become disabled, Zurich will pay your premium - so you can still achieve your savings goals.
  • Premium Life is ideal for paying off a mortgage directly or indirectly. 
  • You can choose whether you want to take out Premium Life as tied retirement solution (pillar 3a) or an unrestricted pension plan (pillar 3b). This allows you can optimize or save taxes. 
  • If you include a disability pension and/or a lump-sum death benefit, you can put together a complete pension package via Premium Life.

How does the premium break work?

If you have been insured for at least three (pillar 3a) or five years (pillar 3b), and your contract assets are at least CHF 5,000, you can take a premium break of one to three years. This can make sense in the event of, for example, maternity leave, a stay abroad or unemployment. During this time, Zurich will cover the running costs from your contract assets. This does however reduce the guaranteed survival benefits. Your insurance coverage in the event of death or disability remains at the same amount

How flexible is Premium life during the contract period?

Premium Life is very flexible, unlike many retirement provision solutions:

  • After three (pillar 3a) or five (pillar 3b) years, you can take a premium break - with full insurance coverage.
  • You benefit from a coverage extension guarantee and can increase your premium at various times without a new health check: in the event of marriage, birth of a child, purchase of a home or every 3 years.
  • If you become unemployed or no longer work, you can switch from pillar 3a to pillar 3b at any time - at no additional cost.
  • With a 3a policy, you have the option of making an additional payment once a year. This is interesting, among other things, for self-employed people without a pension fund who only know how high their income is at the end of the year.
  • Up to three months before expiration, you can extend the term of your 3a insurance until the regular OASI age - and even up to five years beyond. Requirement: You must provide evidence of earnings from employment.

Building up retirement provision in the 3rd pillar - what are the arguments in favor of an insurance solution?

The Premium Life life savings insurance offers you three crucial advantages:

  • Thanks to the premium waiver in case of disability, you can achieve your savings goal whatever happens.
  • You can safeguard your loved ones and yourself against misfortune - by means of a disability pension or capital in the event of death.
  • The agreed annual premium for the pension insurance provides for discipline in saving, to ensure you actually achieve your goals.
  • And if you wish to change something in the meantime, you can simply adapt the premium or the benefits of the insurance.

Security and returns – isn’t that contradictory?

Often, investors have to choose between these two goals. With Premium Life, you can have both: 95 percent of your deposited savings premiums are safe. For the remaining five percent, we offer you further attractive potential for returns, making saving for retirement provision worth your while.

What is the Zurich Carbon Neutral World Equity Fund?

With the "Zurich Carbon Neutral World Equity Fund", you invest in forward-looking companies that are bringing about change in the field of clean technologies, for example, in electromobility. The fund actively targets companies that are reducing fossil fuel consumption, such as Apple, Tesla or Schneider Electric. The "Zurich Carbon Neutral World Equity Fund" consists of two components - it combines a low-carbon investment strategy with carbon offsetting. The ESG benchmark index, the MSCI World Climate Paris Aligned Index (parent index), focuses on climate protection and is aligned with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. This benchmark index change alone will achieve an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions. This corresponds to a CO2 reduction of approximately 68 tons to around 9 tons. The remaining 9 tons up to climate neutrality will be offset using emission reduction certificates: With these certificates we are supporting the Rimba Raya Project, an ecologically sustainable rainforest project in Borneo to rebuild the ecosystem.

What would happen if Zurich were to go bankrupt?

95 percent of the premiums from your savings insurance are invested in the tied assets of Zurich Life Insurance Company Ltd. Zurich is subject to supervision by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority and, in the event of bankruptcy, the tied assets serve primarily to settle the claims of the insured persons. Whatever happens, this money will be paid out to you. But you needn’t worry: Zurich is financially very solid. Bankruptcy is extremely unlikely now or in the future.

I am young and unattached – is Premium Life savings insurance worthwhile for me?

Of course! With a moderate annual premium you remain disciplined – so you can enjoy your life today and still save for tomorrow. After all, the premium waiver in case of disability means you can be sure that you will actually reach your savings goal with the pension insurance. And with disability protection, you as a young person benefit from particularly favorable premiums.

Further products and services

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