Why should you insure your solar installation?
Energy efficiency is important to you. Photovoltaic systems and solar thermal installations are not only an investment in the future, but also a financial investment. As the operator of a solar system, you can protect yourself from financial losses caused by damage, loss of earnings and additional costs.$
What do we insure?
Good to know
The Solar Installation Insurance also pays compensation if you lose out on feed-in remuneration due to fire or hail damage (fire/natural hazards), if you have already insured these losses through another insurance policy that does not include this loss of earnings.
Why insure geothermal probes or heat pumps?
You have chosen an energy efficient system for harnessing geothermal heat. Geothermal probes and heat pumps are an investment in a low-energy future. As the operator of such an installation, you can also protect yourself from financial losses caused by damage, lost earnings and additional costs.
What do we insure?
We insure heat pumps with drive, including electronic measuring, control and adjustment units, pipelines within the heat pump circuit, water storage, heat exchanger, heat transfer medium with storage and/or geothermal heat exchangers.
For geothermal probes at a maximum drilling depth of 400 meters, we insure the heat exchanger, geothermal baskets, energy piles and heat transfer medium.
What types of damage are insured?
The following options are also available
Things to consider
The systems and installations insured must have been constructed according to recognized engineering and building standards. Drilling companies, for example, must at least possess the FWS quality seal for geothermal probe drilling companies. Planning, installation, testing and acceptance of geothermal heat exchangers must be carried out in accordance with SIA 384/6 at a minimum.