Car Insurance

Car Insurance

The comprehensive insurance from Zurich for you and your car. Put together your individual package according to your needs. In any case, you will benefit from our comprehensive service and special conditions.

Apleona tenants enjoy a 15% special discount.


Immediate Assistance

Thanks to the pickup and delivery service, your car will be returned directly to your front door – repaired and disinfected.


Lifetime Gurarantee

We vouch for the quality of our repairs - with a lifetime guarantee.

Icon car

Free remplacement car

We make you mobile again straight away if your car is damaged or stolen.

Benefits at a glance

  • Our service is convincing: Zurich is one of the leading motor insurers in Switzerland
  • We get you mobile again straight away if your car is damaged or stolen
  • Special tariff for eco-friendly vehicles
  • Your premium is not automatically increased following the event of a loss
  • If you drive for three years with no claims, your deductible is reduced by CHF 500 and by another CHF 500 after three more years
  • Advantages for young drivers up to 25

Insurance benefits

Third party liability, collision accidental damage or partial casco: Zurich delivers the optimum choice of solutions for your individual car insurance.

Zurich Help Points

Help Point PLUS

  • In addition to the above Help Point services, you also benefit from discount on your vehicle damage premium
  • You agree to have all repairs carried out in a Zurich partner garage
  • We organize the repair for you.
  • Permanent and fast: We repair glass damage up to 3 cm in diameter directly on site. This saves time and avoids waste.
  • We are never far away: 27 Help Points and 250 partner garages provide committed and uncomplicated assistance.
  • We vouch for the quality of their repairs - with a lifetime guarantee.
  • We make you mobile again straight away thanks to public transport tickets, taxi vouchers or a free replacement car.

Third party liability insurance (mandatory) incl. bonus protection

  • Third party liability insu­rance is required by law
  • Insurance covers property damage and bodily injury that you cause to third parties with your car
  • We defend you against un­jus­ti­fied claims by third parties
  • Sum insured up to CHF 100 million
  • The premium will not increase in the event of a loss

You must have third party lia­bility insu­rance to obtain the official regis­tration docu­ments for your car from road traffic authorities.

Available option: Coverage for gross negligence
Zurich will not ask you to pay back the costs of a loss caused through gross negligence (exceptions: alcohol, driving while impaired, speeding, hazar­dous over­taking, partici­pation in un­autho­rized races with motor vehicles).

Collision (comprehensive cover) incl. bonus protection

  • Collision accidental damage insurance covers damage to your own car caused by a collision, falling or sinking
  • Zurich also provides benefits in the event of an accident for which you are at fault
  • Collision accidental damage and partial casco insurance combined give you comprehensive insurance
  • In the event of a total loss, you will receive full replacement cost coverage during the first year of operation of your car (capped at the amount of the paid purchase price)
  • The premium will not increase in the event of a loss

Available option: Coverage for gross negligence
Zurich will not limit your benefits in the event of a loss caused through gross negligence (exceptions: alcohol, driving while impaired, speeding).

Partial casco

  • With partial casco insurance, your own car is insured against theft (even through car-hacking), fire and damage caused by natural hazards (e.g. floods, hail, landslides, falling ice)
  • Coverage also includes damage due to collisions with animals and vandalism (e.g. slashed tires, slashed convertible roof, painting or spraying of paintwork) as well as glass breakage

Available option: Cyber attack
The insurance covers the encryption, damage and destruction of software caused by a hacker attack on the insured vehicle. Zurich covers costs for restoring the software or hardware (e.g. the unit), up to the sum insured defined in the policy.

Available option: Parking damage or Parking damage PLUS
Coverage includes damage caused to your parked car by unknown vehicles or persons. The Parking damage option covers up to CHF 1,000 per event. The Parking damage PLUS option has no limit on the amount. In both cases, Zurich will pay for up to two losses per calendar year.

Available option: Glass PLUS
Coverage includes all loss or damage due to breakage to vehicle parts made of glass or materials used as a substitute for glass (e.g. plexiglas). Coverage also includes headlights (e.g. LED or xenon) that are destroyed due to glass breakage.

Available option: Items transported in the vehicle
If any items are damaged that are transported in your car by yourself or your passengers, or if said items are stolen from a locked car, these are covered up to the agreed sum insured. Items carried in the vehicle include, for example, electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets and GPS equipment, as well as merchandise and items used to carry out a trade or profession. It also covers medical expenses up to CHF 5,000 for pets traveling in the vehicle.

Additional Services

Roadside assistance

Available option: Roadside assistance Switzerland/Liechtenstein with replacement vehicle

  • Valid in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechten­stein
  • Zurich organizes and pays the costs of local roadside assistance including the repla­cement of small parts
  • We pay the costs of towing and recove­ring the vehicle
  • The insurance covers additional costs for a replacement vehicle for the duration of the repair work, the necessary accommodation, the onward journey by public transport, the transportation of the vehicle in Switzerland  
  • Zurich pays up to CHF 1,000 per event for all benefits combined

Available option: Roadside assistance in Europe with replacement vehicle

  • Valid in Europe as per the description in the General Conditions of Insurance (GCI)
  • Zurich organizes and pays the costs of local roadside assistance including the repla­cement of small parts
  • We pay towing costs
  • Recovery costs for the vehicle up to CHF 2,000 are covered
  • Additional costs of a replacement vehicle while repairs are being carried out, any accommo­dation required, onward travel with public transpor­tation and vehicle transfers in Switzerland are covered up to CHF 5,000
  • Zurich organizes the return transport of the vehicle from abroad


  • Zurich Accident Insurance protects you and any passengers in your vehicle against the potential financial consequences of accidents
  • The insurance provides benefits in the event of death, disability or temporary inability to work, and pays a daily hospital benefit during your hospital stay 
  • The insurance also covers medical expenses within the five years following the day of the accident. If you require an inpatient hospital stay, the coverage also includes a private ward
  • Benefits are paid immediately following an accident, even if fault has yet to be determined
  • Accident insurance coverage is also valid in other people’s cars for you and your family

Optimum protection for young people

Zurich offers you many advantages – especially for young people upto 25.

  • No-claims bonus: after three years with no claims, you will receive 10% of your premium back
  • Your premium will be reduced each year up to your 25th birthday
  • Family bonus: If your parents already have two contracts with Zurich, you get a 15% discount

Purchase price protection

  • In case of total loss until the 5th year of service of your vehicle, we compensate 100% of the purchase price.

Traffic legal protection insurance from Orion (1 year free)

  • You get free advice on legal matters from the experts at Orion.
  • You have a free choice of lawyer in the event of a court case, Orion will cover the costs; court and trial costs are also covered.
  • Orion will pay court cost compensation to the counterparty. 
  • Even in the case of major mishaps, there is no deduction for gross negligence.
  • Sum insured up to CHF 600,000 per occurrence.

* The provider of the legal expenses insurance is Orion Legal Protection Insurance Company Ltd, based in Basel. Orion Legal Expenses Insurance Company Ltd. is a subsidiary of Zurich Insurance Company Ltd.

E-Mobility Protect

  • With E-Mobility Protect, your electric vehicle receives all-round protection
  • Select the complete package or individual coverage options
  • The insurance covers damage to the high-voltage battery, theft of and damage to the charging infrastructure at home or in your holiday apartment, as well as the loss of charging cards and the unauthorized use of charging cards and charging apps.

Optional: Battery PLUS 
The insurance covers damage to the high-voltage battery (HV battery) caused by operating errors, overvoltage, overcurrent, deep discharge or charger malfunction. Insurance coverage applies if the HV battery suffers an exceptional capacity loss of more than 50% in the first three years of operation. Zurich covers the costs for repairing or replacing a HV battery. The maximum compensation is limited to the vehicle's replacement value. In addition, disposal costs which occur in connection with a damage are also covered up to CHF 2,000.

Optional: Charging station and accessories protection
The insurance covers theft of and damage to charging stations (e.g. wallbox) and charging accessories (e.g. mobile charging stations and devices, charging cables as well as bags and adapters). The insurance covers damages caused by overvoltage, short circuit, operating errors and malfunctions, impact, overturning, vandalism, fire, lightning, flood, etc. Zurich pays the costs of repair or replacement for an equivalent item up to the agreed sum insured. For charging stations from the from fifth year of operation, the compensation is reduced according to the operating duration. 

Optional: Charging card and app protection
In the event of loss of the charging card or damage caused by the unauthorized use of the charging card or recharge app by third parties, Zurich covers the costs up to the sum insured specified in the policy. Blocking and replacement fees are also insured. Your family members' charging cards and charging apps are also insured.

Digital car assistant from autoSense**

  • With the clever car assistant from autoSense, you have an intelligent passenger on board. Plug in the adapter in your car, download the app and you'll always have your vehicle data on your smartphone.
  • For Zurich customers, the autoSense Adapter Basic is free and can easily be ordered online.
  • TAll in one app: vehicle diagnostics, logbook, vehicle location and driving behavior.
  • The SOS button from Zurich connects directly with the SOS team in the event of a breakdown or accident and transmits GPS data with your consent. This leads to even faster help on the spot.
  • Access to other exclusive services thanks to cooperation with partners such as AMAG and Swisscom.

** Provider of the services is autoSense AG based in Zurich.


  • With a no-claims bonus, you benefit from a 10% premium reim­bursement after three claim-free years
  • Europe-wide vehicle legal protection: Supports you in legal proceedings as the owner, holder, driver or passenger of a car as well as in disputes relating to patients’ rights and vehicle contract law, for example
  • We offer attractive insurance solutions for collector's and antique vehicles

What other customers ask

What is “gross negligence coverage”?

The insurance can have recourse against whoever causes damage through gross negligence after a claim has been paid or can reduce the indemnity payment. Example: You run a red light out of carelessness, causing an accident.

With the supplementary agreement on gross negligence coverage, Zurich waives its right of recourse or reduction (exception: alcohol, driving incapacity, speeding offense, risky overtaking, participation in unauthorized races with motor vehicles).

How do I register a car?

First, take out motor vehicle insurance. The insurance company then submits the electronic insurance certificate to the responsible Road Traffic Office. After this, you or your garage owner go to the Road Traffic Office with the original of the previous vehicle registration document or in the case of a new car with the inspection report. The latter then issues the license plates and the new vehicle registration document. It is often also possible to send the original vehicle registration document by mail to the Road Traffic Office. In this case, you will also receive the plates and new documents by mail. The best way of finding out whether the responsible Road Traffic Office offers this option is on its website.

You will need proof of customs clearance to register an imported vehicle. To register your vehicle with the cantonal Road Traffic Office, the customs office will issue an inspection report form 13.20 A. 

Can I insure a motorhome with you?

Zurich Motor Vehicle Insurance can be taken out for motorhomes. Insurance coverage can be agreed individually. The premium for a motorhome cannot be calculated online. Call us at 0800 80 80 80 or contact your advisor. We would be happy to give you a quotation.

What is the difference between the "Parking Damage" and "Parking Damage PLUS" insurance options?

Both insurances cover damage caused to your parked vehicle by unknown vehicles or persons. In the case of Parking Damage, the maximum amount is limited to CHF 1,000 per claim. There is no limit for Parking Damage PLUS. In both cases, up to two claims will be paid per calendar year.

Am I also covered abroad?

The insurance applies in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, European countries as well as the countries bordering the Mediterranean and the island states of the Mediterranean. However, the insurance does not apply in the following countries: Belarus, Moldavia, Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Algeria, Lebanon, Libya and Syria.

Breakdown assistance CH/FL is only valid for claims occurring in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

What does breakdown assistance cost?

You can choose between two coverage options:

- Breakdown assistance CH/FL, premium CHF 19 or
- Breakdown assistance CH/FL incl. replacement vehicle, premium CHF 39 or
- Breakdown service Europe incl. replacement vehicle, premium CHF 84.

Can I also get a replacement vehicle at the Help Point?

If you have your car repaired in one of our Zurich Help Points after accidental damage, we will get you moving again: with a replacement car (if available), a taxi or public transport. You also receive a life-long guarantee in accordance with the guarantee certificate.

The Zurich Help Points provide assistance at any time and anywhere in the event of a loss. You can reach us around the clock and free of charge by calling our 24-hour toll-free number 0800 80 80 80 or online. You can also contact us abroad at +41 41 44 628 08 08.

Does breakdown assistance involve the insured vehicle or certain persons?

The breakdown assistance applies to the vehicle insured in the policy and the trailer towed by it. The insurance coverage applies to all occupants, including the driver.

Can I take out car insurance even though I only have a learner’s permit?


Am I also insured if someone else drives my car?

As the policyholder, owner and/or keeper of the insured vehicle, I am also insured if it is driven by another person. However, the applicable regulations and exclusions from the insurance cover must be observed in detail. 

Are there any discounts or benefits for younger drivers?

Zurich offers many benefits especially for young people up to the age of 25:

- No claims bonus: After three years with no claims, you will receive 10% of your premium back
- Your premium will be reduced each year up to your 25th birthday
- Family bonus: If your parents already have two contracts with Zurich, you get a 15% discount
- Every new car insurance comes with a free Orion* motorist's legal protection insurance for 1 year.

Can the insurance be taken out for only 1 year?

The insurance can be taken out for a period of one year. If written notice of termination of the contract is not given at least 3 months before contract expiry, the contract is automatically extended for another year.

What can the digital vehicle assistant from autoSense do?

With the clever vehicle assistant from autoSense, you have a smart passenger on board. Plug in the adapter in the car and download the app, and you'll have your vehicle data on your smartphone at all times. Vehicle diagnostics, driver's logbook, vehicle location and driving behavior can all easily be found in one app. Thanks to the cooperation with partners such as Zurich Insurance, AMAG or Swisscom, you also have access to further exclusive services in the app. For example, the Zurich SOS button connects you directly with the SOS team in the event of a breakdown or accident, and transmits the GPS data with your consent. This enables you to get you even faster help on the spot. For Zurich customers, the autoSense Adapter Basic is free of charge and can be ordered easily online.

Your Service

Zurich motor vehicle insurance ensures you always have the best protection. We would be glad to advise you.